Our Thursday practice and Saturday Day of Mindfulness

Good evening dear friends,

THIS THURSDAY evening we will be practicing the 10 Mindful Movements and Deep Relaxation as well as our usual sitting, walking, and tea meditations. We will also be singing together the Wisdom Song . Because Mountain Rain are still on sesshin, with most of the mats and cushions, you may want to bring a cushion or bench. You may also want to bring a blanket for deep relaxation. Chairs will also be available.

THIS SATURDAY we have a Day of Mindfulness from 10:00 to 3:00. We will have two periods of sitting and walking meditation, followed by a Sutra Service and a third period of sitting and walking. Please bring a brown bag lunch for our formal meal. After eating, we will have outdoor walking meditation (if the weather permits) or deep relaxation. This will be followed by Dharma study and an opportunity for Dharma discussion. Please join us for this opportunity to touch silence, stillness, peace.

Some Sangha members may also want to spend SATURDAY afternoon with other Buddhist practitioners – and many resisters – at the gathering concerned with stopping the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. See https://www.facebook.com/events/128002137658093/ for more details on the demonstration. Contact RedSara@gmail.com or Carmen@bicyclebuddha.org if you have questions about the Buddhist contingent. They will be carrying a big banner reading We Vow to Protect All Life.

You are welcome to come to the morning Day of Mindfulness to prepare your body, speech and mind!

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