Dear friends –
Waves and Water Sangha is offering a non-residential retreat on Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning, August 10, 11 and 12. This is the anniversary of the Vancouver retreat offered by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village Sangha in August 2011. So many of us were there and received the Five Mindfulness Trainings! We will celebrate Stillness – Silence – Sangha together!
Registration is open until July 31st if space permits. For more information and registration form, please click HERE.
We encourage you to send in your registration form and deposit or fees as soon as possible. (Part-time attendance is possible.)
On Friday evening, we will gather at the Wall Street Meditation Hall to sit and walk in meditation, chant and drink tea. We will meet old and new friends as we ground ourselves in practice. On Saturday morning, we will gather again at the meditation hall to practice sitting and walking meditation, watch a Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh and drink tea together before Dharma discussion. There will be a silent lunch. Saturday afternoon we will practice sitting and walking meditation and the Recitation Ceremony for the Five Mindfulness Trainings. There will be tea and cookies during Dharma discussion, followed by outdoor walking and a silent supper. Saturday evening we will practice sitting and walking meditation, enjoy Deep Relaxation and circumambulate, chanting “May the day be well.”
On Sunday, we will be gathering at Mountain View Cemetery for sitting and walking in the area around the fountain and the still pool. We will offer our stillness, our silence and our Sangha body to ancestors, known and unknown. Aware of each other’s presence, we will also offer gratitude for this peaceful space in the midst of the city. At the still pond, we will Touch the Earth. We will then have a longer walking period followed by Dharma sharing. After a gassho circle, we will give gratitude for our food and after 10 minutes silence, eat together picnic style!
Please let us know if you have any questions – All are welcome.
Waves and Water Sangha Caretaking Council (wwsangha[at]