Climate Strike – 5 Mindfulness Training Transmission

Good morning dear friends

Climate Strike Friday, September 27, 1:00-5:00 Vancouver City Hall There will be Sangha practitioners meeting at the NW Corner of Yukon and 10th Ave. at 12:45. Mountain Rain Zen Community has a banner: We Vow to Protect All Life

Five Mindfulness Training Transmission: We have an opportunity to offer a Five Mindfulness Training Transmission when Dharma Teacher Joann Rosen visits Waves and Water Sangha on Thursday, October 10. If there are practitioners in Vancouver interested in receiving or renewing the Five Mindfulness Trainings in a formal ceremony please let us know by October 2. Waves and Water Sangha Please complete the form below to send with your e-mail.

In the fresh fall sunlight….

Name_________________________________________________ Phone____________________________

Address________________________________________________ City___________________________

Sangha you attend or experience with Plum Village Tradition ________________________________________________

Do you want to receive the Three Refuges?

Which of the mindfulness trainings would you like to receive?

____All five _____First _____Second _____Third _____Fourth _____Fifth

Would you like to receive a Dharma Name to encourage you in practice?

_____Yes _____No

If you would like a Dharma name, please write a statement of your aspirations in practice on the back of this page.

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