Waves and Water Sangha will offer two Days of Mindfulness: Saturday April 8 and Saturday May 13 from 10:00 to 3:00. We will be able to meet in person at the Mountain Rain Zen Centre or on Zoom.
Bethan will join us to provide instruction that may support both our individual and Sangha practice. We will be learning the Plum Village forms for inviting the bell, sitting and walking meditation, guided meditation, and facilitating a Sutra Service and formal meal. There will be an opportunity to learn the form for deep relaxation and Touching the Earth.
The core instruction will take place April 8 and on May 13, those who received the training at the first Day of Mindfulness will have the opportunity to offer their practice to the Sangha.
There will be limited number of places available so please register as soon as possible.
Please register by emailing us at : wwsangha@sangha