Return to Zendo: Please read

Good evening again, dear friends

Today we received Mountain Rain’s (draft) protocol for returning to the Zendo. It is extensive and will require some significant leadership from Sangha members. It’s great that Mountain Rain is looking after our  health and well-being. At the same time, we need to consider the contributions that will need to be made by core members.

Also, they suggest that practitioners over 60 (especially those with risk factors) should seriously consider whether they should attend only by Zoom. Given that Bethan is 71 and has compromised lungs, it is likely she will not be able to be in the Zendo although she is committed to Zoom!

We will need to sit with the question of what needs to happen for the Sangha’s return to be possible. Since we will not be able to go back to the Zendo before October 1st, we have some time. It is very important that those who would like to return to the Zendo let us know as soon as possible what level of commitment they can make ( We will need to have 8-10 practitioners on site each week (and some folk offering dana from Zoom) for this to work.

Please know we are very open to suggestions and we believe that the Sangha community will always exist no matter how or where we practice!

In gratitude….

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