Taking care of our eight manifestations of body

Good afternoon dear friends

In the Art of Living, Thich Nhat Hanh talks about our eight different bodies: our human body, our Buddha body, our spiritual practice body, our community body, our body outside the body; our continuation body, our cosmic body, our ultimate body. Phew! Sometimes it may seem difficult to simply take a shower being fully mindful of this imperfect skin and bones body in the body!

How can we manifest in the world through all eight bodies? This question allows us to explore our experiences as part of the concentration of “signlessness.”

Please join us this evening as we share, in particular, our experiences as spiritual practice bodies…. If you are unwell; if you are needed within your family, your workplace; if it is a challenging way to come physically to Sangha…. Please honour your spiritual practice body – even if only for a moment – and you will be with those of us who have the privilege of being in the physical zendo this evening.

Smiling, with love, Bethan

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